NO bags or containers larger than 12” x 6” x 12” (or exceeding 864 cubic inches total volume). Bags larger than a small clutch bag (4.5” x 6.5”) should be composed of clear plastic, vinyl, or PVC with a single compartment.

NO Backpacks and other multi-compartment bags larger than a small clutch bag (4.5” x 6.5”). An exception may be made for medically necessary or infant care bags (diaper) after proper inspection. Please note these items will be searched and tagged. ***No large, framed packs permitted.

NO Illegal Drugs, Substances, or paraphernalia of any kind

NO Weapons of ANY kind or items deemed as weapon including knives by security

NO Outside Alcohol or Beverages

NO Outside Food

NO Fireworks or Sparklers

NO Blankets or tarps

NO Coolers OF ANY KIND, Baskets, and/or Large Bags

NO Selfie Sticks

NO Glass of any kind.

NO Drones

NO Flyers, Handbills, Posters or Stickers. ***Absolutely NO solicitation is allowed on premise.

NO Tents or Shelters

NO over the head helmets or full costume heads

NO Flags, Totems, Large signs ***Or anything that might block someone’s view.

NO Animals With exception of service dogs + small horses.

NO Squirt Guns, Toy Guns ***Or anything else that resembles a weapon.

NO Umbrellas of ANY kind INCLUDING Beach Umbrellas

NO Glow Sticks or Laser Pointers

NO Selling of Merchandise, or Unauthorized/Unlicensed Vending